Our beliefs
- We are a non-denominational ministry and welcome Christians of various traditions as well as non-Christians who are seriously seeking spiritual meaning for their lives.
- We hold the Bible to be the literal Word of God, the only standard for faith and practice, and believe and teach historic Biblical Christianity as reflected in the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Shorter and Larger Catechisms.
- We believe Jesus Christ to be the unique God-man who secured salvation of a people by his perfect keeping of God's law and his sacrificial atonement for their sins on the cross of calvary. He was born of the virgin Mary, died for the sins of his people, was bodily resurrected to eternal life, reigns now in heaven as our great Prophet, Priest and King, and will come again to gather his people to himself and complete his victory over evil, Satan and his minions and unrepentant humanity.
- Salvation (from God's just wrath because of our sin) is ours by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone as revealed to us in the Bible. Salvation is not achieved by our works, but by God's grace alone and ultimately for his glory.
- All humanity will be bodily resurrected and face a final judgment for what they have done in their time on earth. Those who have put their faith in Christ will be vindicated, made to be forever sinless, and will spend eternity with their Lord in a renewed heaven and earth. Those who have rejected God's salvation will face everlasting separation from his grace and goodness in hell.